SAPGUI 7.70 News
올해 9월로 예정되어 있던 SAPGUI 7.70 버전이 Final Test 이슈로 인해 출시가 연기되었습니다.
현재까지 확정된 일정은 2021년 1월 29일에 배포예정이며, 업데이트 사항은 아래와 같습니다.
Multi-Monitor-Scaling support: Up to release 7.60 we support scaling using the scaling settings of the primary monitor only. For other monitors we let Windows scale the SAP GUI window. This has some drawbacks for example when SAP GUI is embedded in an application which is multi-monitor scaling aware (like the SAP Business Client). See also SAP Note 2541592.
As of release 7.70 multi-monitor scaling can be activated in SAP GUI so that the issues with multiple monitor setups using different scaling settings are solved.
Edge (based on Chromium) as alternative browser control for use in the SAP GUI HTML Control: Up to release 7.60 the SAP GUI HTML Control always uses the Microsoft Internet Explorer Control, but nowadays Internet Explorer is no longer the default browser in many companies and has several disadvantages.
As of release 7.70 we are offering a more modern browsing experience inside SAP GUI by integrating the Microsoft WebView2 control (Edge based on Chromium) as an alternative to the Internet Explorer Control (see SAP Note 2913405 for more information).
64bit versions of NWRFC controls: The SAP GUI shipment includes four controls which can be used for getting data from an SAP System without using SAP GUI: Logon Control, Function Control, BAPI Control and Table Factory Control. Up to release 7.60 these controls are only available as 32bit versions. Especially with the stronger usage of Microsoft Office 64bit editions this has become a challenge, because 32bit controls cannot be easily invoked from a 64bit process.
As of release 7.70 we offer 64bit versions (both non-Unicode as well as Unicode) of these controls which can be installed in parallel to the 32bit versions. With this, scripts using these controls can also be run from 64bit processes like Microsoft Office 64bit.
New visual theme “Quartz”: The successor to the Belize theme is the Quartz (Fiori 3.0) theme. For the first time we also offer a dark version of the theme that can be used by users who prefer a dark background.Here is how this presently looks:

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