HR IMG Table

T500L Personnel Country Grouping
T500P Personnel Areas
T500T Personnel Country Groupings
T500W Valid Country Currencies
T501 Employee Group
T501T Employee Group Names
T502T Marital Status Designators
T503 Employee Groups / Subgroups
T503K Employee subgroup
T503T Employee Subgroup Names
T503Z Country Assignment for Employee Group/Subgroup
T504R Salary Administration
T504S Salary Administration – Values
T504T Salary Administration – Texts
T504U X Axis Texts
T504V Y Axis Texts
T504W Z Axis Texts
T504X X Axis Values
T504Y Y Axis Values
T504Z Z Axis Values
T5051 Capital Formation (NA)
T505K Grievance Levels (NA)
T505L Grievance Level Texts
T505M Military status
T505N Military Status Texts
T505O Grievance Reasons (NA)
T505P Grievance Reason Texts
T505R Ethnic Origin
T505S Ethnic Origin Texts
T505U Residence Status
T505V Residence Status Texts
T505X Tax Authority
T505Y Tax Authority Texts
T505Z Bonds (NA)
T506A Loan Categories
T506D Conditions for Employee Loans
T506T Loan Condition Texts
T507A RWH Delimitation of Employees Affected
T508A Work Schedule Rules
T508T Texts for Employee Subgroup Groupings for Work Schedules
T508Z Assignment of PS Grouping for Work Schedules to Daily WS
T509F ID type
T509G ID type text
T509H Type of work permit
T509I Work permit type text
T50X1 Type of Expatriate
T50X2 Type of Expatriate Text
T510 Pay Scale Groups
T510A Pay Scale Types
T510B Appraisal Constants
T510C Adjust Bases for Calculating PScale
T510D Dynamic Standard Pay Increase
T510E Dynamic Standard Pay Increase II
T510F Assign pay scale –> Currency
T510G Pay Scale Areas
T510H Payroll Accounting Parameters for Time Unit
T510I Standard Working Hours
T510J Constant Valuations
T510L Step Table
T510M Valuation of pay scale groups acc. to hiring date
T510N Pay Scales for Annual Salaries (NA)
T510O Local Allowances BAT (D)
T510P Premium Table
T510Q Local Allowances
T510R Pay Scale Reclassification
T510S Wage Type Generation
T510T Premium Texts
T510U Pay Scale Groups
T510V Check Table For Processing Types in T510S
T510W Pay Scale > Period Parameter Assignment
T510X Wage Type Eligibility for Time Evaluation Transfer (MMSRV)
T510Y Special Rules for Wage Type Generation
T511 Wage Types
T511A Calculation Rules for Averages
T511B Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T511C Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T511K Payroll Accounting Constants
T511M Wage Type Models
T511P International Payroll Constants
T511T Designation of Payroll Constant Amounts
T512C Wage Types to be Broken Down
T512D Line Layout in Window
T512E Form-Related Control of Wage Types
T512F Form Windows
T512G Supplementary Group Texts
T512H Assignment of Text Elements to Forms
T512I System Documentation – Kwic Index
T512J Objects in T512U (Not Language Dependent)
T512K Text for Payroll Constants Regarding Time Units
T512L Payroll Constant Designations
T512N Rule Table for Form
T512P Form Background
T512Q Information in Fixed Positions
T512R Cumulation Wage Types in Forms
T512S Texts for Cumulation Wage Types in Forms
T512T Wage Type Texts
T512U HR System Documentation
T512V RPDSYS00 – Cross References
T512W Wage Type Valuation
T512Z Permissibility of Wage Types per Infotype
T513 Jobs
T513A User-related Values
T513C Jobs With Other/Previous Employers
T513D Job Groups
T513F Appraisal Criteria Texts
T513G Appraisal Groups
T513H Appraisal Criteria
T513I RPDSYS00 – KWIC Index
T513J RPDSYS00 – Default Values
T513K RPDSYS00 – Relations
T513L RPDSYS00 – Exploding Functions
T513M RPDSYS00 – Origin of Documentation
T513N RPDSYS00 – Supplementary Information
T513O RPDSYS00 – Structure of DLIB Docu
T513P Pension Reserve Groups
T513Q RPDSYS00 – Print Control for Chapters
T513S Job Titles
T513U Secondary System Documentation
T513V RPDSYS00 – Cross References
T514B Page Types for From Classes
T514C Allowed Conversions for Forms
T514D Form Index
T514F Form Class Attributes
T514K Allowed Table Names / Short IDs for Forms
T514N Allowed Field Names for Forms
T514R Page Type Texts
T514S Table Name Texts
T514T Field Name Texts
T514U Conversion Texts
T514V Form Name Texts
T514X Input Help Routines for Identifiers in PE51
T514Z Screen Control for Transaction PE51
T515A Fund Types
T516T Religious Denomination Texts
T517A Educational Establishment Types/Final Certificates
T517T Educational Establishment Type Designations
T517X Branches of Study
T517Y Check Table for Branches of Study
T517Z School Types/Branches of Study
T518A Vocation Check Table
T518B Vocation Descriptions
T518C Education/Training Categories
T518D Education/Training Categories Check Table
T518E Education/Training Categories/E&T
T519T Final Certificates
T51A1 HR: Final Date for HR Postings (Accruals)
T51B1 HR-ARC: Global Attributes of the Archiving Group
T51B2 HR-ARC: Special Attributes of the Archiving Group
T51B3 HR-ARC: Archiving Groups which are Currently Archiving
T51D1 Limits for Deductions
T51D2 Wage Type Classes
T51D3 Reduction Rules
T51D4 Cumulation Rules
T51D5 Start Point
T51D6 Interval Definitions
T51DS Text for Time Intervals
T51DT Wage Type Class Texts
T51G1 Off-Cycle Batch Table
T51G2 Off-Cycle Batch Table
T51P1 Wage Type Assignment
T51P3 Indicator for Wage Type Assignment
T51P4 Text: Indicator for Wage Type Assignment
T51P6 Characteristics of Deduction WTypes for Arrears Processing
T51R1 Bank Transfer Request
T51R2 Transfer ID
T51R3 Payment ID
T51R4 Indivual Bank Transfer
T51R5 Cumulated Remittances
T51R6 Offsetting Entry for Remittance
T51R8 Transfer Request – Payroll Result – Grouping
T51RA Derivation of HR Creditors
T51RD Rule Derivation per HR Accumulator and Amount
T51RH HR Creditor
T51RJ Description of Remittance Rules
T51RK Remittance rule
T51RL HR Creditor Link Trigger
T51RM HR Accumulator
T51RN HR Accumulator Text
T51RS HR Creditor Feature
T51RT HR Creditor Text
T51RV Number Ranges Retained
T51T0 Evaluation of wage types for tax reporting
T51T1 Tax Types, which has to be reported in the tax forms
T51T2 Definitions, how tax datas will be reported
T51T3 Fields for tax information on magnetic media
T51T4 Evaluated tax form reporting periods
T51T5 Events, on which form will be issued
T51T6 Evaluated payroll time units
T51T7 Text for tax forms
T51T8 Definitions of a tax form
T51T9 Tax pay dates
T51TA Wage or tax form group for tax reporter
T51TB Text of attributes for tax
T51TC Tax attributes
T51TD Tax attributes
T51TE Text table for subjects of tax calculation and reporting
T51TX Transfer to be Evaluated
T51TY Transferred Employees
T520M Cash Breakdown List
T520S Text Key for Data Carrier
T521B Payee Keys
T521C Check Table for Payees
T521T Institution Texts – No longer used
T522 Title Keys
T522F Format for HR Name Format
T522G Title Keys
T522N HR Name Format
T522T Forms of Address
T523T Challenge Types
T525A HR Valuation Rules for Employee Data
T525B HR Valuation Rule for Employee Data – Short Text
T525C Definition of Valuation Models for Employee Data
T525D Valuation Models for Employee Data
T525E Rounding Rule for Time Intervals
T525F Rounding Rule for Time Intervals – Short Text
T525G Calculation Rules for Time Specifications
T525H Calculation Rules for Time Specifications
T525I Infotype Selection Condition
T525J Infotype Selection Condition – Short Text
T525K Definition of Infotype Selection Condition
T525L Valuation Models for Employee Data
T526 Administrators
T527 Organizational Key Control Table
T527A Organizational Key Creation Rules
T527O Organizational Key Validation
T527X Organizational Units
T528B Positions
T528C Wage Type Catalog
T528T Position Texts
T529A Personnel Action Types
T529F Fast Data Entry for Actions
T529T Personnel Action Texts
T529U Status Values
T52A0 Internal Object Number
T52B1 Object Classes
T52B2 Object Attributes
T52B3 Valid Object Class Attributes
T52B4 Valid Attribute Values
T52B5 Assignment of Values to Objects
T52B6 Function Parameters
T52B7 Valid Function Parameter Values
T52B8 Function Parameter Texts
T52B9 Use of Infotypes for Objects
T52BA Assignment of Values to Customer Objects
T52BB Texts on Function Parameter Values
T52BM Operation Models
T52BN Assigning Models to Operations
T52BO Operation Parameters
T52BP Texts For Operation Parameters
T52BR Texts For Attribute Values
T52BS Texts for Attributes of HR Objects
T52BT Texts For HR Objects
T52BW Input/output parameter
T52BX Valid Special Payroll Runs for Countries
T52C0 Payroll Schemas
T52C1 Payroll Schemas
T52C2 Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas
T52C3 Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas
T52C5 Personnel Calculation Rules
T52CC Schema Directory
T52CD Schema Directory
T52CE Directory of Personnel Calculation Rules
T52CT Text Elements
T52CX Cross References via Generated Schemas
T52D1 Valid Processing Classes
T52D2 Valid Values for Processing Classes
T52D3 Valid Evaluation Classes
T52D4 Permitted Values for Evaluation Classes
T52D5 Wage Type Groups
T52D6 Wage Type Group Texts
T52D7 Assign wage types to wage type groups
T52D8 Valid Processing Classes – Texts
T52D9 Valid Values for Processing Classes – Texts
T52DA Valid Evaluation Classes – Texts
T52DB Valid Evaluation Classes – Texts
T52DN Name range for processing and evaluation classes
T52DZ Assignment: Customizing – Model Wage Type
T52E1 HR: Sort Sequence RPCIPO00
T52E2 Transfer to accounting: Posting variants
T52E2 T Transfer to accounting: Posting variants – Texts
T52EK Symbolic Accounts
T52EK T Texts for symbolic accounts
T52EL Posting of payroll wage types
T52EM Valid values for employee grouping account determination
T52EM T Texts for employee grouping account determination
T52EP Account assignment type
T52EP T Texts for account assignment type
T52EV Payroll reporting types
T52EV T Texts for payroll reporting types
T52EX Transfer to accounting: External company codes 3.X
T52EZ Time-dependency of wage type posting
T52G0 Jurisdiction
T52G1 Description of the jurisdiction
T52G2 Garnishment category
T52G3 Description of the garnishment category
T52G4 Agency
T52G5 Description of the agency
T52G6 Remittance rule
T52G7 Debt
T52G8 Description of the debt
T52G9 Model for the gross/net
T52GA Description of the model for the gross/net
T52GB Model for the non-exempt amount
T52GC Description of the model for the non-exempt amount
T52GD Model for the relationship to other debts
T52GE Description of the model for the relationship to other debts
T52GF Calculation rule
T52GG Description of the calculation rule
T52GH Calculation rule characteristics
T52GI Garnishee fee
T52GJ Description of garnishee fee
T52IA Accounting infotypes
T52IB Assignment of Logical Wage Types
T52IC Logical Wage Types
T52ID Texts for Evaluation Wage Types
T52IE Assignment for Logical Wage Types
T52IF Assignment for Accounting
T530 Reasons for Actions
T530B Payment Condition (Special Payments)
T530C Control Table for Special Payments
T530D Special Payments (Seniority-Dependent Factors)
T530E Reasons for Changes
T530F Reasons for Changes
T530L Wage Types for Special Payments
T530T Reason for Action Texts
T531 Deadline Types
T531S Deadline Type Texts
T532A HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Choice of Data
T532B HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Choice of Wage Types
T532C HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: ABAP/4 Conversion
T532D HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Symbolic Conversion
T532E HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Semantic Conversion
T532F HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Profiles/Free Format
T533 Leave Types
T533T Leave Type Texts
T535N Name Affixes (DUEVO)
T535R PI Area Numbers
T535T Professional Status (DUEVO)
T535V ASB Texts
T535W ASB Reporting Schema
T536A Addresses
T536B Communication Keys
T536T Education and Training (DUEVO)
T538A HR Time/Measurement Units
T538B Units of Time/Measurement
T538C Permissibility of Time/Measurement Units for Infotypes
T538D Units of Time/Measurement
T538T Texts for Time/Measurement Units
T538Z Permissibility of Time/Measurement Units for Infotypes
T539A Planned Remuneration Specification
T539J Base Wage Type Valuation
T539R Actions for Standard Wage Maintenance
T539S Wage Types for Standard Wage Maintenance
T541A Types of Guaranteed Net Amount
T541N Guaranteed Net Amounts
T541T Texts for Types of Guaranteed Net Amounts
T542T Employment Contracts
T543 Challenge Groups
T543A Statistics
T543B Assignment of Exceptions to Statistics
T543C Statistics Text
T543D Exception text
T543S Challenge Groups
T544A Car rule
T544B Car rule
T545 Corporation Keys
T545T Corporation Texts
T546 Employee SG Grp. for PersCalcRule/CollAgreemProvision
T546A Employee Subgroup Grouping for Payroll Accounting
T546T EE Subgroup Groupings for Personnel Calculation Rules
T547S Contract Type Texts
T547T Periods of Notice
T547V Contract Types
T548 Date Types
T548S Date Conversion
T548T Date Types
T548Y Date Types
T549A Payroll Accounting Areas
T549B Company Features
T549C Decision Trees for Features (Customers)
T549D Feature Directory
T549L Date modifiers
T549M Monthly Assignment: Payroll Period (no longer used)
T549N Period Modifiers
T549O Text for date modifier
T549P Valid Time Units for Payroll Accounting
T549Q Payroll Periods
T549R Period Parameters
T549S Payroll date types
T549T Payroll Accounting Areas
T549U Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Periods per Payment Interval
T549V Recurr. Pymts/Deds: Default Values for Payment Model
T549W Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Models
T549X Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Periods
T549Y Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Models (Texts)
T549Z Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: General Calendar
T54C1 Calendar for Cumulation
T54C2 CRT: Calendar Types
T54C3 CRT: Cumulation of Wage Types
T54C4 CRT: Valid Calendar Types
T54C5 CRT: Date Identifier
T54C6 CRT: Cumulation periods
T54C9 CRT: Functionality Grouping
T54CA CRT: Functionality Modifier (Texts)
T54CC CRT: Date Identifier (Texts)
T54CT CRT: Calendar Types (Texts)
T550A Daily Work Schedules
T550P Break Schedules
T550S Daily Work Schedule Texts
T550X Daily Work Schedule Selection Rules
T551A Period Work Schedules
T551C Period Work Schedule Valuation
T551S Period Work Schedule Texts
T552A Monthly work schedule
T552V Dynamic Daily Work Schedule Assignment
T552W Dynamic Daily WS Assignment: Planned/Actual Overlap
T553A Definition Rules for Day Types
T553S Day Types for Special Days
T553T Day Type Texts
T554A Breakdown of Absences after Quota Deduction
T554C Absence Valuation
T554D Military Service Ranks
T554E Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
T554F Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
T554G Types of Birth
T554L Absence Valuation Rules
T554M Absences for Maternity Protection: Rule Table
T554N Texts for Day Rules
T554O Valuation Classes
T554P Symbols for Absences and Attendances (Calendar)
T554Q Assignment of Valuation of Absences
T554R Day Rules for Absence Valuation
T554S Absence and Attendance Types
T554T Absence and Attendance Texts
T554V Defaults for Absence Types
T554W Periods of Military Service
T554X Rules for Attendance/Absence Counting and Leave Deduction
T554Y Time Constraints in HR TIME
T5550 External Wage Types Long Texts from Subsystem
T555A Time Types
T555B Time Type Texts
T555C Permitted PDC PIN Codes
T555D Abs./Attendance Reasons for Subsystem
T555E Time Evaluation Errors
T555F Time Evaluation Error Texts
T555G Absence/Attendance Reason Texts for Subsystem
T555H Site-Restricted Access Control Groups
T555I PDC Master Record Information
T555J Transfer to Time Types
T555K Transfer to Time Wage Types
T555L Transfer to Absence Quotas
T555M PDC Accounting Types
T555N Employee Grouping for the Time Evaluation Rule
T555O Access Control Groups (time-restricted)
T555P Personnel Time Transfer Types
T555Q Texts for Personnel Time Transfer Types
T555R Overtime Compensation Types
T555S PDC Record Type Conversion
T555T Overtime Compensation Type Texts
T555U Employee Status for Time Management
T555V Employee Status for Time Management: Texts
T555W External Wage Types from Subsystem
T555X Texts for Access Control Groups (time-restricted)
T555Y Processing Type/Time Type According to Abs./Attendance Class
T555Z Time Type Determination
T556 Substitution Types
T556A Absence Quota Types
T556B Absence Quota Type Texts
T556C Counting Rules for Absences and Attendances
T556D Absence Counting With/Without Quotas Texts
T556P Attendance Quotas
T556Q Attendance Quota Type Texts
T556R Rules for Deduction Sequence for Absence Quotas
T556S Texts for Deduction Sequence Rules for Absence Quotas
T556T Substitution Type Texts
T557 Availability Types
T557T Availability Types Texts
T557V Membership Function
T557W Text for Membership Function
T558A Transfer Payroll Account
T558B Payroll Account Transfer: Payroll Periods
T558C Payroll Account Transfer: Wage Types
T558D Transfer Wage Types with Split Indicator
T558S Payroll table type
T559A Working Weeks
T559B Working Week Texts
T559D Validity/Deduction Interval for Absence Quotas
T559E Base Entitlement for Leave Accrual
T559L Automatic Absence Quota Generation
T559M Reduction Rules for Absence Quota Generation
T559N Texts for Reduction Rules for Leave Accrual
T559P Limits for Time Balances
T559Q Texts for Time Balance Limits
T559R Rounding Rules
T559S Texts for Rounding Rules
T559T Texts for Leave Accrual Rule
T564T Insurance Company Texts
T569B Archiving Information for Cluster B2
T569R Earliest Retroaccounting Periods for Control Record
T569T Control Record Texts
T569U Logs for Control Records
T569V Control Records
T569W Texts for Recalculation Categories
T572B Illness Texts
T572E Control table for additional absence data
T572F Event Texts
T572G Permitted Values for Events
T572H Event Value Texts
T574A Qualification Keys
T574B Qualification Names
T577 Family Characteristics
T577S Family Characteristics Texts
T578A Medical Doctors
T578T Areas Of Examination
T578W Texts On Values For Areas Of Examination
T578X Permissible Values for Areas of Examination
T578Y Examination Results
T578Z Control Table for Internal Medical Service
T582A Infotypes – Customer-Specific Settings
T582B Infotypes Which Are Created Automatically
T582C Include Screens for Infotypes
T582S Infotype Texts
T582V Assignment of Infotypes to Views
T582W Assigns Infotype View to Primary Infotype
T582Z Control Table for PA Time Management
T584A Test Procedures – Infotype Assignment
T585A Infotypes with Documents
T585B Field Group Definition
T585C Field Group Characteristics
T585O HR Optical Archiving: Configuration Table for PREL and PAPL
T588A Transaction Codes
T588B Infotype Menus
T588C Infotype Menus/Info Groups
T588D Infogroups for Actions
T588F – is no longer used (now T588G) –
T588G Field-Specific Retroactive Accounting Recognition
T588I Assignment of Header ID/Country Grouping to Header Modifier
T588J Screen Header Definition
T588M Infotype Screen Control
T588N Screen Modification for Account Assignment Block
T588O Screen Modification for Assignment Data
T588Q Screen Types for Fast Entry
T588R Selection Reports for Fast Data Entry
T588S Screen Types for Fast Entry
T588T Menu and Infogroup Designations
T588V Business Object Type Determination
T588W Event types for infotype operations
T588X Cust. composite definition of event types for IT operations
T588Z Dynamic Actions
T589A Status and Input Mode in Screen Painter Screens
T589Z F Status of Each Module Pool and Screen
T591A Subtype Characteristics
T591B Time Constraints for Wage Types
T591C Recipient Type for Communication Type
T591S Subtype Texts
T596A Subapplication
T596B Texts for subapplications
T596C Validity interval for statutory subapplications
T596D Validity intervals for non-statutory subapplications
T596F HR Subroutines
T596G Cumulation wage types
T596H Cumulation wage type text
T596I Calculation rules for cumulation wage types
T596U Conversion Table
T599B Report Classes
T599C Report Classes
T599D Report Categories
T599F Report Classes – Select Options
T599I IMG Transaction: Dynamic Parameter
T599J IMG Transaction: Dynamic Parameters – Texts
T599R HR Report Attributes
T599T Field Control for Report Classes
T599U Universal HR Tables
T599V Universal HR Tables
T599W HR Report Classes
T599X Field Control for Report Classes
T599Y Convert External Wage Types
T599Z Time Wage Types to Third-Party Systems
T59_P ROTE RPDSYS-SE61 Conversion: Log Table Error
T59_P ROTL RPDSYS-SE61 Conversion: Log Table Reference
T59_P ROTM RPDSYS-SE61 Conversion: Log Table Modules
T5A03 Employee Groups/Subgroups
T5A0P PArea/Subarea (A)
T5A1A SI Groups (Austria)
T5A1B SI Contribution Group
T5A1C SI Contr./Assessment
T5A1K ELDA: Record versions
T5A1L ELDA: Record structures
T5A1M ELDA: Field conversion
T5A1N ELDA: Value conversion
T5A1O ELDA: Created data records
T5A1P ELDA: Data carrier management
T5A1Q ELDA: Confirmed data records
T5A1R ELDA: SAP internal fields
T5A1T Social Insurance Institutes
T5A1X Control for Determining SI Contributions (A)
T5A2C Texts for Tax Exemption
T5A2D Tax Procedure / Reasons for Tax Exemption
T5A2E Income Tax Rates
T5A2F Tax Offices (A)
T5A2G Municipalities
T5A2M Damage Events / Reasons
T5A2S Tax: Deductable amounts (A)
T5A2T Tax Procedures (A)
T5A3A Family allowance
T5A3T Family Allowance Texts
T5A4 Flow Control for Continued Pay
T5A4A General Data for Absences
T5A4B Seniority
T5A4C Entitlement Quota
T5A4F Absence Categories f. CollContract / Plant Bargaining Agmt
T5A4G Use of Absence Categories
T5A4H Date Specification (Contd Pay)
T5A4I Absence Categories with Special Significance
T5A4O Description of Attendence/Absence Types
T5A4P Attendance/Absence Cat.
T5A4T Valuation acc. to Length of Absence
T5A4U Entitlement Quota
T5A4V Entitlement per Absence
T5A4W Entitlements in Observation Period
T5A5D Print Position for Sickness Cert.
T5A5F Technical Control for Sickness Certificates
T5A5K Forms for Domestic Sickness Certificates
T5A5T Print position texts for sickness certificates
T5A5U Forms for Holiday Sickness Certs.
T5A5Z System Reactions in Master Data Maintenance
T5A6A Compensation Types
T5A6B Equalization Reasons
T5A6C Special Garnishment Cases
T5A6D Fields for Special Garnishment Cases
T5A6E Garnishment Groups
T5A6F Text Table for Garnishments
T5A6H Rulings for a garnishment group
T5B01 SI Categories Employees (B)
T5B02 SI Categories Employers (B)
T5B03 SI Specifications Employees (B)
T5B04 SI Notifications Employees (B)
T5B05 Function SI Hourly Paid Employee without Regulation (B)
T5B06 Text Table Country Codes SI/”BELCOTAX” (B)
T5B07 Profession Groups (B)
T5B08 Nationalities (B)
T5B09 Type Deduction of SI Contribution Employer (B)
T5B0A Text Table SI Categories Employees (B)
T5B0B Text Table SI Categories Employers (B)
T5B0C Text Table SI Specifications Employees (B)
T5B0D Text Table SI Notifications Employees (B)
T5B0E Text Table Function SI Hourly Paid without Regulation (B)
T5B0F Country Codes & Nationalities (B)
T5B0G Profession Groups (B)
T5B0H Text Table Nationalities (B)
T5B0I Text Table Deduction of SI Contribution Employer (B)
T5B0J Usage for SI Category Employee
T5B11 Tax calculation type (B)
T5B12 Spouse’s Professions (B)
T5B13 Leave regulation taxes (B)
T5B14 Marital Status (B)
T5B1A Text Table Type Tax Calculation (B)
T5B1B Text Table Spouse’s Professions (B)
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